Physiologic Datasets (Waveform and Numerics)

Datasets can be single channels or they can be a table of multiple channels.

Single Column Datasets

In this case, each signal is stored in a separate dataset in its respective group. The file structure is:

/ (root)


/ numerics

/ waveforms

/ clinial

Tabular Datasets

Tabular datasets will generally be used when multiple similar signals (generally same sample rate and source) are stored together. The resulting file structure looks like:

/ (root)


/ numerics

/ waveforms

/ clinial

Physiologic Dataset Metadata

Dataset Metadata Fields

physiologic dataset metadata (eg: /waveforms/ABP/.meta)

These datasets can be single or multicolumn but the metadata attribute will be similar in both cases. Timestamps may be stored as a number of seconds from the origin (base_datetime) or they may be implied. In the case of implied timestamps, the timeseries is reconstructed using the sample_rate and the row number. Single signal datasets can be further divided into two types:

  • with timestamps (compound dtype)

  • with implied timestamps (float dtype)

All datasets should include at at least a .meta attribute containing time orign and sample rate fields. If the datasets do not have this information in the .meta attribue then the time_origin will be assumed to be that stored in the metadata for the containing group (eg waveforms or numerics) or in the root group.


sample rate in Hz


the time origin of the dataset formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssss”

Additional information (particularly for tabular datasets) is included in the column field:

dataset column metadata (eg: /waveforms/ABP/.meta)
  • type (str) – column type {time or real}

  • LOINC (str) – LOINC identifier for a signal column

  • uom (str) – units of measurement

  • scale (float) – scale factor [optional] - used to convert raw data stored as int in the dataset to physical units (this will be set to 1 or omitted entirely if the data is already stored as float)

  • fmt – format [optional]

Sample dataset metadata stored as JSON formatted attribute as shown below.

        "time_origin": "2116-12-24 12:35:06.147000",
        "sample_rate": 0.0166666666667,
         "columns": {
             "HR": {
             "type": "real",
             "LOINC": "8867-4",
             "uom": "bpm",
             "scale": 1,
             "fmt": "16",
             "baseline": 0
             "CVP": {
                 "type": "real",
                 "LOINC": "60985-9",
                 "uom": "mmHg",
                 "scale": 1,
                 "fmt": "16",
                 "baseline": 0
             "SpO2": {
             "type": "real",
             "LOINC": "",
             "uom": "%",
             "scale": 1,
             "fmt": "16",
             "baseline": 0
        "NBPSys": {
            "type": "real",
            "LOINC": "76534-7",
            "uom": "mmHg",
            "scale": 1,
            "fmt": "16",
            "baseline": 0