Physiologic Datasets (Waveform and Numerics)¶
Datasets can be single channels or they can be a table of multiple channels.
Single Column Datasets¶
In this case, each signal is stored in a separate dataset in its respective group. The file structure is:
/ (root).metamapping/ numerics.meta/HR/ABP-S/ABP-D/ABP-M/SPO2/ waveforms.meta/ECG-II/ABP/CVP/ clinial/notes/labs.test_info/micro.test_info/infusions/diagnosis.coding
Tabular Datasets¶
Tabular datasets will generally be used when multiple similar signals (generally same sample rate and source) are stored together. The resulting file structure looks like:
/ (root).metamapping/ numerics/vitals.meta/ waveforms/hemodynamics.meta/ clinial/notes/labs.test_info/micro.test_info/infusions/diagnosis.coding
Physiologic Dataset Metadata¶
Dataset Metadata Fields¶
physiologic dataset metadata (eg: /waveforms/ABP/.meta)
These datasets can be single or multicolumn but the metadata attribute will be similar in both cases. Timestamps may be stored as a number of seconds from the origin (base_datetime) or they may be implied. In the case of implied timestamps, the timeseries is reconstructed using the sample_rate and the row number. Single signal datasets can be further divided into two types:
with timestamps (compound dtype)
with implied timestamps (float dtype)
All datasets should include at at least a .meta attribute containing time orign and sample rate fields. If the datasets do not have this information in the .meta attribue then the time_origin will be assumed to be that stored in the metadata for the containing group (eg waveforms or numerics) or in the root group.
- sample_rate
sample rate in Hz
- time_origin
the time origin of the dataset formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssss”
Additional information (particularly for tabular datasets) is included in the column field:
dataset column metadata (eg: /waveforms/ABP/.meta)
- Parameters
type (str) – column type {time or real}
LOINC (str) – LOINC identifier for a signal column
uom (str) – units of measurement
scale (float) – scale factor [optional] - used to convert raw data stored as int in the dataset to physical units (this will be set to 1 or omitted entirely if the data is already stored as float)
fmt – format [optional]
Sample dataset metadata stored as JSON formatted attribute as shown below.
"time_origin": "2116-12-24 12:35:06.147000",
"sample_rate": 0.0166666666667,
"columns": {
"HR": {
"type": "real",
"LOINC": "8867-4",
"uom": "bpm",
"scale": 1,
"fmt": "16",
"baseline": 0
"CVP": {
"type": "real",
"LOINC": "60985-9",
"uom": "mmHg",
"scale": 1,
"fmt": "16",
"baseline": 0
"SpO2": {
"type": "real",
"LOINC": "",
"uom": "%",
"scale": 1,
"fmt": "16",
"baseline": 0
"NBPSys": {
"type": "real",
"LOINC": "76534-7",
"uom": "mmHg",
"scale": 1,
"fmt": "16",
"baseline": 0